Looking for Newsletter Content? Talk it Out.

For lots and lots of people, creating relevant, compelling content for their email newsletters can be a grind -- bordering on downright unpleasant. No matter how enthusiastic one is about their [...]

Browser Viewing Bails Out Quirky Emails

It is no secret to anyone who has every attempted to send an HTML email newsletter that coding can be a tricky thing. Designing a nice newsletter with background images, lots of color and text [...]

davemail Q & A: Using Third-Party Lists

The issue of using lists of email addresses generated by someone other than you continues to be a hot topic. I received an email this week asking for my opinion about using a list provided by the [...]

Buying a List Should Not be on Your List

In searching for keywords that people use when seeking information about email newsletters, I made a rather disturbing discovery. The No. 1 term searched for was “email lists.” Apparently, last [...]

Make Parties More Fun: Hire a Writer

In my business, every day is different, which is a big reason why I like it so much. Over the last two days, I have been writing about the falling price of recreational land in southwest Georgia, [...]

Email Success? Preach to the Choir

I need to be honest about something. After a few weeks of monitoring online conversations through TweetDeck and Google Alerts on the subject of email newsletters, I had become a bit disheartened. [...]

Nine Reasons to Consider Email Newsletters

I spend a lot of time talking about why davemail is a great alternative to online, do-it-yourself email marketing services. Lost in my enthusiasm, however, is the simple truth that there may be [...]

5 Ideas for Finding Good Email Newsletter Content

Your email newsletters can be cool, flashy and colorful - with lots of links and social media gadgets - but none of that matters if we are not giving them something useful to read. With apologies [...]

Playing by the Rules of Email Marketing

Why can't I send my email newsletter to anyone I want - like I can with direct-mail cards? Like it or not, we in the legitimate email marketing business are forced by law to play by different [...]

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