Our Superpower: Project Management Tools
At home, I’m Supermom, armed with Post-Its, Sharpies and an At-A-Glance calendar. I’ve tried going digital, but juggling work, personal and volunteer commitments and kids’ activities means I [...]
At home, I’m Supermom, armed with Post-Its, Sharpies and an At-A-Glance calendar. I’ve tried going digital, but juggling work, personal and volunteer commitments and kids’ activities means I [...]
I was a little nervous as I walked through the doors of my Bank of America branch this morning. I was sure they could tell why I was there. I needed to close my two business accounts, and my [...]
While hanging out with my younger three children last night, I heard my 9-year-old son say something I have thought a million times but never had the courage to say out loud.
Strengthening relationships with current customers is the easiest and most effective way to increase your sales. The old adage that it is five times more expensive to gain a new client than [...]