The Digital Natives: Effective Strategies to Market to Generation Z

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is a generation that has grew up in a world full of technological advances and innovations. Ever since we were born, we have been able to easily access [...]

We Can Be Friends: Editing as Coaching Makes Communication Successful

Creating Content on a Budget: Working with Volunteer Writers

When you’re creating content on a budget, you may have to turn to volunteer writers. Associations and nonprofits are particularly fertile ground for finding volunteers, but you can use them in [...]

Subscribe to How I Got Here with Dave Fiore

6 Ways Companies Can Leverage Milestones to Increase Sales and Drive Business

Whether you’ve achieved a significant sales goal, reached a company anniversary or opened a new location, every business has milestones that should be celebrated – both internally and publicly. [...]

Find Your Voice: 10 Steps to Establishing Your Business on Multiple Social Media Platforms

It’s no secret that social media is dominating the world of business with its frequent range of advertisements and millions of business profiles. Whether you personally follow your favorite [...]

Using ‘On’ or ‘About’ and Other Tough Word Choices for the Writing Perfectionist

As you begin to parse the meanings of words and the way they fit into sentences, you might suddenly realize that the way you’ve long been writing something can be vastly improved by choosing a [...]

How to Write SEO-Friendly (and Other Catchy) Headlines

Headlines that condense the story into a single, incisive line is the goal. But when it comes to search engine optimization, that single line might miss the forest for the trees.

7 Steps to Writing a Solid News Release

What makes a good news release? The secret is simple. It must have legitimate news to offer and it must present the news in a format that makes it easily understood.

Using Social Media Networking to Enhance Your Brand

Enhancing your brand is a process that involves undeniable effort and planning on the part of the business owner.