Make Parties More Fun: Hire a Writer

In my business, every day is different, which is a big reason why I like it so much. Over the last two days, I have been writing about the falling price of recreational land in southwest Georgia, [...]

Email Success? Preach to the Choir

I need to be honest about something. After a few weeks of monitoring online conversations through TweetDeck and Google Alerts on the subject of email newsletters, I had become a bit disheartened. [...]

Land of the Lost

I was walking through Wal-Mart the other day, when I passed three young kids just kind of messing around. As I zipped pass them on my way to find a phone cord, the biggest one looked around and [...]

Bad Advice: Columnist Misses Point of Twitter

While waiting for my 15-year-old daughter to exhaust the rest of her allowance at the mall (with the help of a friend), I sat in the café area at Borders reading the September issue of [...]

Taking Time for the Fundamentals

Running a business well is like riding a bike. Not because you never forget how, but because getting off to a good start does not always ensure long-term success. Riding a bicycle in a [...]

Nine Reasons to Consider Email Newsletters

I spend a lot of time talking about why davemail is a great alternative to online, do-it-yourself email marketing services. Lost in my enthusiasm, however, is the simple truth that there may be [...]

The Lure of the Bargain Book

Ever notice how many things seem like they should be fun until you actually do them? What is really sad is that we have done most of those things before - and we should know better. For me, [...]

Using SMS as a Marketing Tool

What role can SMS messaging play in a marketing campaign? SMS (short message service) messages are text messages delivered to mobile phones much in the same way email newsletters are [...]

Closing Accounts for Cookies

I was a little nervous as I walked through the doors of my Bank of America branch this morning. I was sure they could tell why I was there. I needed to close my two business accounts, and my [...]

How to Avoid the Puffy Shirt

While hanging out with my younger three children last night, I heard my 9-year-old son say something I have thought a million times but never had the courage to say out loud.