5 Editing Tips for Content Writers

Good editing requires taking a step back and looking at your writing through the eyes of the reader. Here are a few quick tips you can implement today to improve your editing skills as a content [...]

The ABCs of Writing for SEO

When you create a piece of content and hit publish, you are putting yourself at the mercy of Google’s algorithm to determine whether that content gets seen. There’s good news, however – we know [...]

Font Choice: Why Typography Matters for Your Brand

As you work to establish your brand’s identity and exhibit a professional digital presence, it’s common to focus on using clear word choice and developing a tone that effectively appeals to [...]

We Can Be Friends: Editing as Coaching Makes Communication Successful

Creating Content on a Budget: Working with Volunteer Writers

When you’re creating content on a budget, you may have to turn to volunteer writers. Associations and nonprofits are particularly fertile ground for finding volunteers, but you can use them in [...]

Using ‘On’ or ‘About’ and Other Tough Word Choices for the Writing Perfectionist

As you begin to parse the meanings of words and the way they fit into sentences, you might suddenly realize that the way you’ve long been writing something can be vastly improved by choosing a [...]

How to Write SEO-Friendly (and Other Catchy) Headlines

Headlines that condense the story into a single, incisive line is the goal. But when it comes to search engine optimization, that single line might miss the forest for the trees.

7 Steps to Writing a Solid News Release

What makes a good news release? The secret is simple. It must have legitimate news to offer and it must present the news in a format that makes it easily understood.

Yikes! Save Some of Those Exclamation Points for a Rainy Day

Sometimes, words are simply not enough. There are times when we need to make sure our readers understand that a statement is super important, urgent, exciting or scary. Enter the exclamation [...]

4 Tips to Conduct a Better Interview

What happens when you are tasked with writing on a subject about which you are not an expert? There are a couple ways to get the information you need, but the best and most direct path is often [...]

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