The Power of Pinterest: How I Became the Pinterest Queen

I’ve always been a huge fan of social media. I was known for my excessive tweeting in high school, and I’ve always been a very active Instagram, Facebook and Vine user. I’ve tried just about [...]

5 Tips for Getting Your Business on Pinterest

Pinterest is one of social media’s most popular platforms with more than 100 million users worldwide. But is its pin-and-share style a good fit for businesses trying to build online relationships [...]

Social Media: A New Hope in the Age of Millennial Skepticism

According to a 2014 Gallup poll, skepticism among Millennials is more profound than that of any previous generation. Confidence in news media has fallen to an all-time low, and expectations of [...]

The Value of a Content Marketing Internship

As I approach the final weeks of my internship at Fiore Communications, I can’t help but reflect on my experience here these past two years. I began my journey as Content Marketing Intern in 2013 [...]

One Does Not Simply Write a Blog Post about Memes

With the popularity that memes have gained, you may be wondering if you should incorporate them into your marketing campaign. The answer is: Why not? Businesses can use memes not only to appeal [...]

Digital Marketing for the Music Maker

Gone are the days when music fans had to go to the store to buy an album and decide if they liked the artist’s music or not. Now, technology leads the way to an artist’s exposure and their [...]

Trying to Go Viral? You’re Missing the Real Point of Social Media

Over the short history of social media, we have seen a lot of content go viral. From videos of families being reunited with loved ones returning from war, to pictures of crazy Walmart shoppers, [...]

Eyewear Company Uses Instagram for Audience Building

When your business has first launched or is trying to attract a new type of customer, an important first step is to identify the most effective ways to reach your target audience s. If you have [...]

Spread the Love, Tell your Story

When I was a little girl, Valentine’s Day was one of my favorite holidays. My mom would wake up early to decorate the kitchen with red and white streamers and confetti, and make heart-shaped [...]

You CAN Handle the Truth: Using Social Media to Manage your Brand

This past Sunday night I flipped my television to HBO, excited for the premiere of the new season of Girls, and happened to catch the end of an episode of True Detective with Matthew McConaughey. [...]