3 Effective Ways to Get More Testimonials for Your Website

 In Content Marketing, Website Marketing

Talk as much about your business as you like, but it’s often what others say about you that will really convert prospects into customers.

And that’s what we’re all after, isn’t it?

But the very idea of asking for a testimonial seems awkward to a lot of business owners. You tell yourself things like:

  • My customers are too busy to write a testimonial.
  • I don’t want to bother them.
  • Testimonials really aren’t that important.

This talk stops now.

Here’s my quick rebuttal:

  • If you make it easy for them, testimonials take only a few minutes for your customers to write.
  • The product or service you provided solved a problem and many will want to share out of gratitude.
  • People enjoy being responsible for a successful referral.
  • Testimonials have a major impact on conversion rates for all businesses.

In short, you need testimonials.

I don’t want to leave you hanging, though. Often, asking for testimonials is one of those great “theory” things that get ignored in favor of other priorities.

To help you out, here are some tips you can implement immediately to make it easy to ask for testimonials from your customers.

Tip #1: Add Requests to Your Processes

For many business owners, the most difficult part of getting a testimonial is asking. The easiest way to get over the request for a testimonial is to make it part of every transaction. (click to tweet)

Here are some examples you could try:

  • Provide a testimonial request card with every invoice you send.
  • Send an email they can reply to or have a form on your website for entering testimonials.
  • Set up a video camera in your office and ask for a video testimonial after a project wrap-up meeting
  • Include a link to a testimonial form in your email signature

When you integrate the request for testimonials into activities you are already doing, asking becomes second nature.

Tip #2: The Share and Acquire Technique

Share the glowing testimonials you receive about your business with your email newsletter subscribers. At the end of the email, tell them that you would like to feature their success story in a future email newsletter. Create a button for users to click, a simple form to fill out and then a page thanking them for sharing the testimonial and letting them know it may be featured in the next email.

Why does this work? Sharing success stories makes your readers feel part of a community. Look at products such as P90X and the Insanity program that get thousands of testimonials and reviews – people love being part of something bigger and to share their own unique experiences. Create the opportunity to do the same with your business.

Tip #3: Create a Case Study

Ask one of your biggest success story clients if you could create a case study about their experience working with you.

You can use the following five questions to help create an effective case study:

  • What was happening before you worked with our company?
  • Why did you choose to work with us?
  • What happened while you were working with us?
  • How did we meet or exceed expectations?
  • How is your situation different now?

Case studies work because they take a testimonial and expand it to give your prospects a clear idea of what it’s like to work with you and the results they can expect to reap.

Now that you have three actionable ways to get more testimonials, which are you going to use first and why? Leave a comment below.

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  • Jeff Machado

    @Antoine Martiano, Exactly! We actually run a third party testimonial service and we recently gave our customers a business card with a direct phone line that customers can call to leave a recorded voice mail testimonial. It’s all about making it easy!

  • Antoine Martiano

    Right on, Jeff! Like it or not, people want to take the easy way out–and this is also true for making testimonials. If you make it easy for them, minus the frills and brouhaha, perhaps despite their busy schedule they can drop a line or two to make a short but helpful testimonial for you.

  • Jeff Machado

    @Hutch, I encourage you to start asking today. If possible, make sure to ask those clients if you can use their picture.

    I hope this article helps you to get those testimonials.

  • Hutch

    Thanks for this info. I know I want a couple of my clients to provide a testimony but, I really had no idea where to start.


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  • […] Talk as much about your business as you like, but it’s often what others say about you that will really convert prospects into customers.And that’s what we’re all after, isn’t it? But the very idea of asking for a testimonial seems awkward to a lot of business owners. You tell yourself things like:My customers are too busy to write a testimonial.I don’t want to bother them.Testimonials really aren’t that important. This talk stops now.Here’s my quick rebuttal:If you make it easy for them, testimonials take only a few minutes for your customers to write.The product or service you provided solved a problem and many will want to share out of gratitude.People enjoy being responsible for a successful referral.Testimonials have a major impact on conversion rates for all businesses. In short, you need testimonials.  […]

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