Making Customer Experience a Priority in Brand Marketing

 In Content Marketing, Inspiration, Marketing Strategies

Customer experience is one of the most important factors in brand marketing. How many times have you repurchased a favorite item or service because the brand checked up on you in an email, or because they were either fast or reliable? For instance, look at Freshly, a brand that prepares pre-portioned ingredients and deliverers them to your door. They have great customer service. If you tag them online, they will respond and thank you for the feedback. If something goes wrong, they often offer vouchers or incentives to ensure your satisfaction.

We tend to invest our time into services that are meaningful to us. Whether we are selling a service or product, we always want to keep in mind how our customers feel about it. That’s why investing more in your existing clients will keep them coming back for more. Developing a customer experience strategy starts with nurturing clients who are ready to get support and give it back in return.

Creating a Meaningful Brand Identity

Many people are also likely to repurchase when buying and selling become meaningful. One Forbes article gave the example of Harley Davidson, which has made its core value being a “freedom machine.” When people purchase a bike from Harley Davidson, they can imagine what it feels like to have the wind through their hair, which reminds them of freedom. This brand marketing keeps customers coming back again and again. Many happy customers will either tell their friends, write a review, or repurchase an item from Harley Davidson again.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

Another key factor to keep in mind is that having happy customers means that you will be ahead of the competition. How many times have you read through numerous 5-star reviews on Amazon from different people, just to make sure you want the product? Feedback is extremely important and applying it is even more vital. When people love a brand, they tend to also share it with their friends and families. Think of all the times you have watched a TikTok or YouTube video and had to share the “new big thing” with your friends.

It’s About the Experience

One impact of having a good customer experience strategy is a high return on investment. Forbes magazine quoted a Forrester Study surveying over 1,200 business leaders, saying that businesses that fully implement a customer experience strategy see faster topline growth, higher brand engagement, and more repeat purchases. Here we can see that no matter what business you’re engaged in, customers often buy a product or service for the experience.

Be Consistent

By setting expectations and being consistent once a customer interacts with your product or service, you can follow up and be clear about when you will be reaching out and why. For example, if you purchase something on Amazon, you get an email when you bought it, when it is on the way and when it is delivered. No matter what company you are part of, being reliable has never been more important than in the digital age. When customers receive great experiences, they know what to expect and will keep coming back for more. Listening to feedback and acting on it are key communication skills when it comes to brand marketing. When customers do participate and engage with your company, you can reward loyalty by creating incentives.

Creating a meaningful brand, listening to feedback, and being consistent are important parts of a successful customer experience strategy. When you commit to this journey, your brand followers will, too.

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