What Can Content Marketing Do for Small Business? Experts Weigh In.

 In Audience Building, Content Marketing, Small Business, Writing and Editing

More likely than not, the majority of successful content marketing campaigns you have been exposed to are those of the “big dog” companies such as Red Bull, HBO and Coke. They’ve got big budgets, vast resources and dedicated employees working around the clock to ensure their brand’s story is told on their terms. So, you may be wondering how effective content marketing can be for your small business. We searched for and found expert opinions that confirm that, when utilized correctly, content marketing for small businesses can be extraordinarily effective.

Content Marketing for Small Business Infographic | Fiore Communications

Work with your team’s strengths

The foundation of your content marketing strategy should be a talented and driven employee or team of employees. Remember to play to their individual strengths – if one person if gifted with graphic design, put them to work on infographics or other eye-catching visuals. If someone on your team has experience shooting and editing video, start putting together a gallery of informational videos on your website for your customers. Once you’ve got the right team in place, the real work can begin.

You can’t succeed at content marketing without great content

One of the best ways to begin developing content is to start a company blog. Generate posts that are informative and educational to your readers instead delivering a sales pitch – don’t be afraid to talk about how you get your job done! While it seems counterintuitive to reveal your business secrets for free, writing about what you do helps establish you as an expert in your field, and once consumers see how much work goes into what you do, they’re more likely to come to you to do it for them.

Draw consumers in hook, line and sinker

There is nothing more frustrating than Googling a business only to find that they have a Facebook, G+, or other social media page but no official website. Social media is an easy and effective way to connect with consumers, but it is in no way the end-all be-all of consumer networking. Your social media sites and the content you post on them should serve as the hooks that draw consumers to your webpage, where real connections can be made.


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