The Power of Pinterest: How I Became the Pinterest Queen

 In Social Media

I’ve always been a huge fan of social media. I was known for my excessive tweeting in high school, and I’ve always been a very active Instagram, Facebook and Vine user. I’ve tried just about every social media platform – except Pinterest. Although my friends have Pinterest accounts and rave about the platform, it never appealed to me. I’ve never been much of a cook, and crafting isn’t high on my priority list.

When I started working as a content marking intern at Fiore Communications, I was tasked with monitoring clients’ Pinterest accounts and creating graphics for new pins to promote original blog posts and other web content. This is when I realized that Pinterest is a useful tool, and I had been missing out.

They Hooked Me

Pinterest is so much more than just crafting and recipes. It’s not just projects for artistic people, and don’t get me started on the recipes—I want to make ALL of them. But Pinterest is also home to an abundance of informative articles on a variety of topics. While working on client projects, I have come across articles on business, networking, homeopathic remedies, saving money, exercise routines, travel—the list could go on and on. Pinterest is different from other social media. It’s educational, it’s useful and there’s less of a focus on your “followers to following ratio.” Though I do love my other social media, I know spending my time reading tweets and status updates and looking at pictures of what other people are doing isn’t exactly productive. And, although it may not be able to access the amount of information Google can, I’ve found myself using Pinterest in the place of search engines now.

Marketing Magic

I didn’t realize what the marketing power of this platform was until I personally fell victim to it. I saw a pin on Pinterest with a picture of tan skin, along with a short description about which lotions to use to achieve this same tan. With summer coming up, my interest was piqued. When I clicked the pin, instead of being directed to an article with tips and lotion recommendations, I was redirected to an online store selling expensive lotions. I was tempted to buy the product, though I had no knowledge of whether or not the lotion actually worked. Though I know now that the review I had read was part of the company’s marketing, it was written in an approachable way. Because I was on Pinterest, I wasn’t skeptical of the message, as Pinterest is a place for advice and tips.

What’s the Trick?

At Fiore Communications, I have been tasked with creating graphics and pinning for various clients. I strive to make the graphics appealing and use different fonts that work well together to catch people’s attention.

I could read the title of a bunch of articles elsewhere and not click on any of them, but, on Pinterest, when I see a picture or graphic with the article, I’m hooked. The more attractive the picture, the more I feel I have to click and read the article. That’s the power of Pinterest and the key to its success. Though the clients I’m helping aren’t selling products and services for typical college students, I’m having so much fun creating graphics to pin for their target customers.

If you’re not a graphic designer, but have content to market on Pinterest, know that there are many free graphic design programs available online, most featuring templates and tutorials. Find a program that you like and feel is easy to use and just start creating. Experiment and see what looks good.

I’m so happy that my internship led me to discover my love for Pinterest. In fact, at Fiore Communications, I am now known as the Pinterest Queen.


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